AGSE is a global leader in manufacturing aircraft parts and equipment. Contracted by web development company, 104 Druid, I played a pivotal role in transitioning the website from Drupal to WordPress. This extensive project involved meticulous data migration and innovative feature development.

Key Contributions:

  1. Data Migration Expertise: Successfully migrated thousands of product listings, encompassing a wide array of data such as media files, taxonomies, and custom fields. This required a deep understanding of both Drupal and WordPress platforms to ensure seamless integration and data integrity.
  2. Advanced Search and Filter Systems: Developed intricate filtering capabilities, allowing users to efficiently navigate and sort through extensive product data.
  3. Custom User Interaction Tools: Implemented dynamic systems where users can request detailed information about specific products. Additionally, I developed a ‘Follow’ feature for products, allowing users to receive updates on critical information such as safety documentation changes, thereby enhancing user engagement and providing valuable updates to the clientele.
  4. UI Implementation: Played a crucial role in the implementation of the website’s UI redesign. Worked closely with the design team to translate their vision into a functional and user-friendly interface, ensuring a seamless integration with the site’s enhanced features and overall architecture.


  • PHP
  • JavaScript & jQuery
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • WordPress
  • Drupal is a custom, legacy CMS built on PHP (site has since been migrated to WordPress). During my time at Mercy For Animals, I maintained the software, fixed bugs, built out a redesign, built new features such as contact forms and calls-to-action, updated content, and implemented an analytics strategy that employed Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics. is one of six translated variants. Other languages and locales include Español, Português (Brasil), English (India), हिंदी, 简体中文 (currently inactive).


  • PHP
  • JavaScript & jQuery
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Google Analytics
  • Google Tag Manager is a custom WordPress multisite built for Mercy For Animals. The site serves as an educational resource and blog that introduces people to plant-based foods. Chooseveg, in partnership with Lighter, offers personalized meal planning, a grocery list builder, and lots of yummy recipes.

I was initially charged with QA, cross-browser testing, and prepping the site for launch. During my time at Mercy For Animals, I maintained the site’s software, fixed bugs, and built new features such as contact forms, pop-ups, and banners. has also been translated into Spanish.


  • WordPress
  • PHP
  • JavaScript & jQuery
  • HTML
  • CSS & Sass
  • Google Analytics
  • Google Tag Manager is a custom WordPress site built for Mercy For Animals’ EscolhaVeg program. The program aims to construct a sustainable food system by offering guidance to companies, snack bars, cafeterias, and supermarkets as they add plant-based options to their menus.

During my time at Mercy For Animals, I built the site, designed several components, and managed the content.


  • WordPress
  • PHP
  • JavaScript & jQuery
  • HTML
  • CSS & Sass is a Mercy For Animals initiative that promotes health and sustainability by bringing plant-based food options to institutions that serve a large number of meals, such as universities, hospitals, companies, school cafeterias, and restaurants.

This is a custom WordPress multisite that has been translated into Português (Brasil), हिंदी, and English (India).

During my time at Mercy For Animals, I maintained the software, fixed bugs, and updated the contact forms with additional layers of security and spam protection.


  • WordPress
  • PHP
  • JavaScript & jQuery
  • HTML
  • CSS and are static Mercy For Animals campaign sites that have allowed tens of thousands of people to share feedback with McDonald’s executives via Engaging Networks forms.

In addition to building out the redesign, I was responsible for creating and integrating the Engaging Networks forms.


  • PHP
  • JavaScript & jQuery
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Engaging Networks
  • Google Analytics

Oppose Ontario’s Extreme Ag-gag Proposal

Oppose Ontario’s Extreme Ag-gag Proposal

Oppose Ontario’s Extreme Ag-gag Proposal is a custom Engaging Networks campaign site built for Mercy For Animals (site no longer active). The site allows Canadian citizens to contact their MPPs and express opposition to extreme “ag gag” bills that would criminalize whistleblowing. The form sends editable messages to Canadian representatives based on the user’s input address.

This campaign site is one of many that utilize a custom template that I designed and built for Mercy For Animals. These custom campaign sites have facilitated tens of thousands of activists in speaking up about issues that concern them.


  • JavaScript & jQuery
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Engaging Networks