AGSE is a global leader in manufacturing aircraft parts and equipment. Contracted by web development company, 104 Druid, I played a pivotal role in transitioning the website from Drupal to WordPress. This extensive project involved meticulous data migration and innovative feature development.

Key Contributions:

  1. Data Migration Expertise: Successfully migrated thousands of product listings, encompassing a wide array of data such as media files, taxonomies, and custom fields. This required a deep understanding of both Drupal and WordPress platforms to ensure seamless integration and data integrity.
  2. Advanced Search and Filter Systems: Developed intricate filtering capabilities, allowing users to efficiently navigate and sort through extensive product data.
  3. Custom User Interaction Tools: Implemented dynamic systems where users can request detailed information about specific products. Additionally, I developed a ‘Follow’ feature for products, allowing users to receive updates on critical information such as safety documentation changes, thereby enhancing user engagement and providing valuable updates to the clientele.
  4. UI Implementation: Played a crucial role in the implementation of the website’s UI redesign. Worked closely with the design team to translate their vision into a functional and user-friendly interface, ensuring a seamless integration with the site’s enhanced features and overall architecture.


  • PHP
  • JavaScript & jQuery
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • WordPress
  • Drupal